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sina suli e kasi la sina ken pali e lipu.
taso sona pi kasi suli li lon ala lon lipu ni.

If you grow a tree, you can create a book. But the knowledge of the tree is not in the book. — Toki Ponist Pu

July 2021

These are the words as recovered from the awoken well:
jan Akesipu li tawa sewi e ma nena suli.
ona li pana e lipu Pu tawa ma poka noka pi jan Sipi.
ona li toki e ni:
  • mi lukin e lipu e ni.
    tenpo ni la, mi sina sama.
  • jan Sipi li kama jo e lipu kepeken pilin pona. ona li toki e ni: lon anu seme? jan Akesipu li toki e ni: mi lukin e ni tawa sina. jan Sipi li toki e ni: pona. tenpo open la, o moku e waso poka mi. jan Akesipu li moku e waso poka jan Sipi. ona li pini la ona tawa sewi lon weka pi ma nena suli. ona li tawa wawa kepeken noka ona. jan Akesipu li lukin e jan sewi sina lon ma anpa.
    Here follows a relaxed translation:

    Akesipu climbs the mountain. He throws the book of Pu at Tipi’s feet. He says: “I have read it all. I am your guru equal.” Tipi picks up the book with love and says: “Truly?” Akesipu says: “I will prove it to you.” Tipi says: “Ok. But first, eat this bird with me.” Akesipu eats the bird with Tipi. Then he jumps of the mountain, flapping his arms. Akesipu meets God at the bottom of the mountain.

    Associative musings:

    To finish a day without being fully exhausted we need to spend it in a state of distraction for the most time. Since distraction-friendly products are more easily swallowed than concentration requiring products, the distraction business is a lucrative one. The only warning sign should be that once the distraction business was part of nature and now most distraction activities are man-made, meaning that your subtle body will be persuaded into all kinds of directions without you being aware of it.

    Where art such as paintings and novels used to be mostly requiring contemplation and concentration to be consumed fully, nowadays such works of art are mass-produced entertainment. The same happens to education, politics and basically all aspects of life. Even most work related tasks are made to be distraction friendly. The question arises if we can still find time to be contemplative and what the hell should we be contemplative about. Is contemplation and concentration something you should earn? It could be dangerous for a society that wants to grow in development.

    Read a newer koan (I think about a possible world. I experience the probable world/existence. I want a desired world.)

    Read an older koan (It is senseless to ask what you are.)